Monday, November 29, 2010

My ideal Job =D

Hi everyone¡¡¡ 

In this opportunity I'm going to talk about my ideal job.

 I'm not still sure. I love a million things.

I would love to travel around the world and work in national stocks of injured animals, orphaned or endangered, so I could help the preservation and maintenance of native species.

I also love wildlife, so I'd like to work with tigers, monkeys, lions, gorillas, giraffes, elephants and everything you can imagine (it was my childhood's dream jiji)

I love large animal clinic too. i feel really strong atraction about the reproduction, breeding, behavior and management of equines, so It'd be nice to stablish a horse farm and enter in partnership with my father, because he shares my passion for animals and specially loves this specie. he says that horses are very noble animals; i think that's true

My parents  supported my initiative and think that  this option is closer to my reality.

Considering the fact that my father will be my boss, I'm sure he's a person who loves animals as much as i do (this makes me very happy), so i'd be delighted to work with him 

I’ll be waiting for your comments.

1 comment:

  1. woooooo you ideal wwork is wonderfull!
    Ilike the large animal me to!
    They are the best animal!
    Althought the small anima also I like them, but the large aanimals are the best!
    bye bye zinnia good luck!
